English version :(La version francaise est l'article précédent...) GOOD FOOD MARCH!! For a good food : a better farming!!

Publié le par traitdunionclm

Goddag! Bonjour! Good morning! Buenos días!...

Yesterday, on the 19th of September of 2012, occurred in Brussels the culmination of the “Good Food March, (started/initiated) and coordinated by different organizations from each country of the European Union, but also European or International ones. (Find all the information relatives to this event on http://www.goodfoodmarch.eu/).

                      The idea: to gather, to mobilize people, in EU, locally or all the way to Brussels, as citizens from all horizons to assert the importance of a good food, and as a consequence of a good farming, in the debates about the new CAP (Common Agriculture Policy), which definitive version should be published in 2013.

                      It is a long redaction, talk and concession process to build that policy which has an impact on each farmer, but also on each European and even “further in the world” (because the policies “from here” have an influence “over there” through importation and exportation in particular).

                      Now, it is the turn of The European public instance:  the Parliament, to work on this text before it goes back to the Commission. It is an important occasion for the every day life realities of farmers and consumers to meet the persons who will sign those files. 


                      Therefore, even if the manifestation gathered maximum 500 persons at its arrival n Brussels, each one was coming from the different countries of EU, bringing the voices of the ones who could not come. We could hear French, English, German, but also Spanish, Dutch, Romanian… in a convivial ambiance, to remember in the capital that the ones who feed us are the farmers.

                      Then, in their interest and the interest of every one, it is essential to consider again this profession, to valorise and sustain it, to prevent the farm from disappearing at each minute (like it is the case nowdays), for a decent income, for producing the food with respect for the planet and the Human being, assuring simultaneously its quality in nutrition, safety and taste.

                      During our own travel, we have met numerous persons, most of them working and trying to live from the production of food as farmers. We aim to send back to each one a synthesis of what they taught us on the agricultural matter.

We have finished writing this document this week, then I could give it to one of the farmer who was there yesterday who assured that he would give it personally to the European Agriculture Commissioner: Dacian Cioloş.

                      Because this file is running your voices and your everyday life realities, we will also send it by mail to different members of the European Parliament etc., hoping to participate and encourage this change for the safeguard of agriculture in Europe.

                      An English version is also in preparation.

We plan to send it to each person who participated to its realization giving us her testimony.

                      However, if some persons/people we didn’t visit during our travel are interested by this document, have no hesitation in contacting us through this blog (posting a commentary on a mail down to this article).

                      Warm thoughts and plenty of energy for the accomplishment of projects that hold you on, that are close to your hearts or go through your minds.

 Ligéa, for the “Trait d’Union” team.








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Coucou les filles!!<br /> Un grand BRAVO pour le boulot que vous avez fait, et surtout pour être là, à Bruxelles, pour porter la voix du changement de politique!! Vraiment, merci!!<br /> Ca m'intéresserait énromément de lire votre rapport!!<br /> <br /> Aussi, en lisant l'article en anglais, il n'y a pas de grosses fautes majeures, mais ca manque juste un peu de fluidité... Même si je vois que vous maitrisez bien l'anglais, si jamais vous avez<br /> besoin d'aide pour la version anglaise, ca me ferait vraiment plaisir de pouvoir vous aider! :-D<br /> <br /> Bisous à toutes les 3!!
Excellent ! Un jour, les filles, je ferai une chanson pour vous ! J'achète cette synthèse, évidemment ! Biz biz